Our legal system is extraordinarily complex. It’s so complicated we usually need attorneys to help us when we have legal matters to deal with. But even attorneys don’t know everything. They must frequently conduct research to find answers and inform their strategies.
There are decades of legal materials to consider, such as statutes, codes, casebooks, court opinions, rules, records, regulations, journals, handbooks, databases, dictionaries, and more!
The amount of available information is so vast that attorneys rely on Law Librarians to help them find what they’re looking for. In many cases, lawyers don’t even know what they’re looking for — but the librarians point them in the right direction.
As legal experts themselves, Law Librarians manage and curate legal resources in various formats, assist patrons in locating relevant information, and provide training on research methods. They may work in law schools, private law firms, corporate legal departments, government agencies, or law libraries that are open to the general public!
- Helping others navigate complex legal information and materials
- Ensuring access to accurate and comprehensive legal resources
- Working in a dynamic, intellectually stimulating environment
- Contributing to education and justice within the legal system
- Law Librarians typically work full-time office hours. Some private company jobs may require longer hours and some positions require evening or weekend work, particularly in academic settings.
- 维护一个有组织的图书馆数据库和参考系统
- Help patrons find materials and resources
- Check materials out to patrons. Upon their return, check materials back into the system, assess for damage, and put items back
- Review legal catalogs and order legal resources inventory from vendors
- Plan and manage budgets. Order computers and other IT resources
- Curate a variety of legal materials relevant to employer and patron needs, including print and digital legal resources
- 利用图书馆之间的借阅机会
- Add incoming legal materials to the library database
- Apply call number labels to legal books and resources
- Create and enforce library policies
- Train and supervise assistants, staff, and volunteers
- 确保无障碍环境并符合《美国残疾人法案》的标准
- Stay current with developments in legal information, research techniques, and technology
- 分析性的
- 注重细节
- 协作
- 沟通技巧
- 协调
- 客户服务
- 决策
- 人际交往技巧
- 组织技能
- 感知力
- 解决问题
- 健全的判断力
- 时间管理
Law Librarians should have technical skills related to:
- Basic IT troubleshooting
- Legal citation and referencing styles
- 预算编制
- Maintaining digital libraries
- Cataloging systems and metadata standards
- Library software
- Legal research databases (e.g., Westlaw, LexisNexis)
- Corporate legal departments
- 政府机构
- 律师事务所
- Law schools
- Public law libraries
Law Librarians are vital members of the legal profession! They play a crucial role in assisting lawyers by providing valuable support in various aspects of legal research. Because their help is so important, they must stay current with legal developments and emerging technologies, which requires continuous learning. They sometimes work under tight deadlines while juggling multiple tasks at once. Due to the nature of their work, they have to maintain strict confidentiality and ethical standards.
Law Librarians increasingly use technology to enhance legal research and library services in general. This includes the use of artificial intelligence for predictive analytics since AI can analyze past case outcomes to predict future case results.
In addition, AI-driven tools help lawyers understand complex legal texts, making research more efficient. AI can also automate the review of legal documents, contracts, and discovery materials, reducing the time spent on these tasks.
Another growing trend is the development of digital libraries which can store vast amounts of resources, accessible 24/7!
Law Librarians likely enjoyed reading and doing research. They may have been highly organized growing up, with a keen interest in helping others. Many participated in debate clubs, library clubs, or similar activities.
- 没有具体的本科专业要求,但文科学士很常见。
- Law Librarians don’t have to be lawyers themselves, but they usually need a master’s degree in library science (MLS) from a program accredited by the American Library Association
- A master’s in information science (MIS) may also work
- Some Law Librarians earn a Juris Doctor degree as well, though it’s only required for ~20% of relevant jobs
- Many schools offer a joint JD/MLS degree
- Relevant college course topics include:
- 数据库管理
- Information organization and management
- Intellectual property law
- Legal research methods
- Legal writing and citation
- Students should complete internships in legal libraries to gain practical experience
- Law Librarians can join the American Association of Law Libraries or other organizations to take advantage of continuing education resources, scholarships, and networking opportunities
- Law Librarians often finish undergraduate degrees in legal studies, history, literature, or education. These degrees are very suitable for online and hybrid study. Graduates sign up for a Master of Library Science (or related program like Master of Information Studies or Master of Library and Information Studies). Programs should be accredited by the American Library Association.
Check out the faculty biographies to learn about their expertise in the field. - Review the job placement rates for graduates.
- 比较学杂费,注意州内与州外的费用。
- Review scholarship and financial aid options, including federal aid Pell Grants.
- High school classes in English, history, business, and computer science are useful
- Engage in activities that involve research, such as debate clubs or library clubs
- Gain practical experience through part-time jobs, volunteer work, or internships in libraries
- Keep up with industry trends related to new technologies such as AI
- Watch YouTube videos about library science and legal research
- Read articles and journals such as Library Journal or Legal Reference Services Quarterly
- Visit public law libraries near you. Ask if you can set up an informational interview with one of the Law Librarians there, or contact a local law firm
- Look for Library Science program scholarships to help take off the financial burden of school

- Apply for library-related internships to gain practical experience and make connections
- Consider starting out as a paralegal or library assistant while working on your degrees at night
- Sign up for alerts on popular job portals like ZipRecruiter, SimplyHired, Indeed, Monster, and Glassdoor
- 向你网络中的人询问有关图书馆工作机会的提示
- Move to where the jobs are! Per BLS, the states with the highest employment level for librarians are New York, Texas, California, Ohio, and Florida
- 联系以前的教授和主管,看看他们是否愿意作为个人推荐人。
- 利用你学校的就业中心,在简历和模拟面试方面获得帮助。
- Check out Librarian resume samples
- Make sure your resume is error-free, concise, and up-to-date
- Check out sample interview questions such as “Can you describe your experience with legal research databases such as Westlaw and LexisNexis?” or “How do you handle requests for information that may be confidential or sensitive?”
- Learn how to make an amazing first impression!
- Review Indeed’s How to Dress for an Interview
- 与你的上司讨论晋升或加薪的机会
- Consider earning a Juris Doctorate if it’ll help qualify you for advancement
- Train and mentor new Law Librarians and assistants
- Provide outstanding service to patrons to ensure positive experiences
- Stress accuracy and confidentiality at all times
- Be an active participant in professional organizations such as the American Association of Law Libraries
- Set goals for continual process improvement, such as incorporating new technologies
- Manage your budget effectively
- 在压力下始终保持冷静,即使你面对的是一个不高兴的顾客。
- If needed to advance, apply for jobs with other organizations
- AALL Spectrum
- 美国法律图书馆协会
- 美国图书馆协会
- 信息科学与技术协会
- 图书馆收藏和技术服务协会
- 学院和研究图书馆协会
- 学院和大学媒体中心联盟
- Cornell Legal Information Institute
- Digital Library Federation
- International Association of Law Libraries
- Justia
- 法律网
- Law Librarians’ Society of Washington, D.C.
- Law Library Journal
- Law Library Microform Consortium
- Legal Information Management
- Legal Information Preservation Alliance
- LLRX.com
- 医学图书馆协会
- 特殊图书馆协会
- Copyright Law for Librarians and Educators: Creative Strategies and Practical Solutions, by Kenneth D. Crews
- Law Librarian: Passbooks Study Guide, by National Learning Corporation
- Law Librarian Use of Google and its Apps & Features, by Primary Research Group Staff
Law Librarians are crucial to the legal profession, but their career field is relatively small compared to others. For those who want to explore other career options, consider jobs such as:
- Academic Librarian
- 档案员
- 律师
- 高中教师
- Information Scientist
- 教学协调员
- 法律助理
- Library Assistant
- Museum Worker
- Research Analyst

